Our Current Campaign
Our first project was to save as many trees as possible in the Port Gamble Forest Heritage Park (PGFHP). It is basically our backyard, and because the land is already owned by the county, the trees will belong to the community forever. All we needed to do was buy the last timber harvest rights from Rayonier, and our forest park would keep its forest.
We spearheaded the 2022 tree campaign which saved 756 acres. That effort left us with close to $100,000 over and above our goal. We used just under $18,000 of that to help our partners at Great Peninsula Conservancy to close out their purchase of 38.5 acres of forest at Grover’s Creek.
Now Let’s Save the Rest
Now we will continue saving trees in the PGFHP. We will apply what we learned in that campaign to buy the remaining 1,070 acres of trees there. We’re currently at about $191,000. Our goal is $1,000,000. You, our community of donors and supporters, give us the confidence to set such a target. You helped raise half a million dollars for trees in under 3 months. Your generosity blew us away!
Just as in the first tree campaign, it will take much more than this to buy them all, but this is our first target to get the ball rolling. We cannot expect county funding this time around and will be working to get corporations and foundations to provide the bulk of the millions needed. However, $1,000,000 collected from the public will show how important conserving the forest is to so many people.
Please consider setting up an automatic monthly tax-deductible contribution at Our Forest Fund’s page at Kitsap Community Foundation. It’s a painless way of countering your carbon footprint, leaving a legacy, and helping the planet.
We Won’t Stop There
Once we save our closest forest, we are going to save forests further afield. Elsewhere in Kitsap County, elsewhere in Washington State. The more people we speak with about our project, the more we hear of the anguish of other communities facing the loss of forested land.

We all watched as millions of acres of forests burned in North America and elsewhere in the world this past summer. In fact, fires are continuing out of control in Canada. When we have smoky skies from faraway fires, we realize just how truly our environment is one ecosystem. We must preserve the trees we still have, and that is what Our Forest Fund is all about.
If you have ideas about how to raise money to save trees and fund forest conservation, we want to hear from you! Please use the green contact button at the top of the page to tell us about it.