Cut Broom in Bloom for Earth Day Weekend

Earth Day is right around the corner on April 22 – 24. Looking for an Earth Day project? Here’s a good one: cut back Scotch broom at Port Gamble Forest Heritage Park!

Join with Our Forest Fund to help restore the forest! Our Forest Fund is putting together a team of volunteers for the 2nd Annual Scotch Broom Brigade. Volunteers are needed to cut down this aggressive, invasive species.

Come as you like and stay as long as you want.

  • Date: Earth Day April 22 – 24
  • Time:  9 a.m. to Noon daily
  • Where: Port Gamble Forest Heritage Park, Bayview and Stottlemeyer trailhead, Airfield parking
  • Bring: gloves, pruners and loppers. Wear boots and long pants.
  • Don’t forget: drinking water, snacks and anything else you need to be comfortable.

Look for volunteers at the Bayview, Stottlemeyer and the Airfield who will provide information and directions.

Please contact and let us know you’ll be joining our team!

Find out more about the Scotch Broom Brigade at:

What’s Wrong with Scotch Broom?

  • Spreads rapidly and densely – anywhere in the sun
  • Forms dense thickets
  • Crowds out native plants
  • Leads to a dramatic loss of diversity
  • Slows and prevents forest re-growth
  • Causes allergies
  • Highly flammable
  • Toxic to grazing animals
  • Changes soil chemistry
  • Makes farmland useless

Remember: Cut Broom in Bloom

Scotch broom in bloom with seedpods
Scotch broom in bloom with seedpods

If you cut broom in bloom, at ground level, the broom will die in the summer’s dry heat. If you disturb the soil by pulling or digging, the persistent seeds from previous years will sprout.

Scotch broom needs sun. Don’t disturb the soil. Take care to keep the ground cover in place (grass, tree saplings, salal, native plants – even weeds!) In the shade of the groundcover, the broom seeds remain dormant. In the sun, seeds will sprout. Small broom can be pulled. Larger broom should be cut at ground level or just below.

Thank you for helping to eradicate Scotch broom at PGFHP and anywhere else you find it! Here’s a website you may find informative:

Not able to make it to the park? You can cut broom wherever you encounter it. Just remember: CUT BLOOMING BROOM!

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